No Cure for Curiosity
A podcast for curious people! Shanny Luft, administrator and professor of religion at the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point, talks with experts about a broad range of topics from the sciences, pop culture, media, politics, and the arts.
"The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity." - Dorothy Parker
No Cure for Curiosity
The Exorcist 50th Anniversary!
The power of curiosity compels you! On this episode, we talked about William Friedkin's The Exorcist with Cary Elza, (Associate Professor of Media Studies from the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point) and Kathryn Lofton (the Lex Hickson professor of American studies and religious studies, professor of history and divinity at Yale University.)
Whether you are an Exorcist fanatic, or hate horror movies, this episode will have something for you. We talk about why The Exorcist caused a frenzy in 1973. How the movie portrays religious faith. And
This the 50th anniversary of The Exorcist, which enraptured audiences in 1973, making it the third highest grossing film of that decade. The Exorcist drove public fascination with the devil and exorcisms inside of churches, across popular culture, and deep in the public imagination.
For those of you who like extra credit, here is some further reading:
- Pauline Kael's review from The New Yorker (Jan 1973)
- Collen McDannell's edited volume, Catholics in the Movies
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Our intro music was written by UWSP music student Derek Carden and our logo is by artist and graphic designer Ryan Dreimiller.
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