No Cure for Curiosity
A podcast for curious people! Shanny Luft, administrator and professor of religion at the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point, talks with experts about a broad range of topics from the sciences, pop culture, media, politics, and the arts.
"The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity." - Dorothy Parker
No Cure for Curiosity
Our Dopest Episode Yet: Slang!
This bodacious episode of No Cure for Curiosity was supported by Magic Mind. Magic Mind really helped with my productivity during this cold, dank Wisconsin weather. You can receive 20% off your next order by going to magicmind.com and entering the fly promo code "curiosity20".
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Our intro music was written by UWSP music student Derek Carden and our logo is by artist and graphic designer Ryan Dreimiller.
You can send comments to nocureforcuriosity@outlook.com.